Wednesday, 25 April 2012

MCT Renewal Reminder

The MCT 2012 program year is well underway, remember that each IT Academy has one free MCT voucher code and you are highly recommended to take advantage of this fantastic benefit.

You are kindly invited to either renew or enrol for your MCT status. Please note that the Microsoft MCT Program Renewal Tool is now open.
The MCT Program offers a wide range of benefits and special offers including a free TechNet Professional NFR subscription, discounts on certification exams and e-reference, hundreds of hours of recorded readiness presentations, and much more.

If you are already and MCT, then renew your MCT status today to ensure uninterrupted access to these helpful tools and benefits.
We believe 2012 will be an exciting year. We will focus on offering you enhanced tools to help you stay informed, better ways to utilise your MCT benefits, and an improved platform to allow members to more effectively interact as a community. Being part of a large community – currently 19,000 MCTs in more than 150 countries! -- has always been a fantastic value in the MCT program; the MCT community is a vibrant community, made up of members always eager to share ideas and support each other. In the new program year, we will give you new and improved tools to help you meet, communicate, and collaborate.
To renew your MCT status, please:
If you havent enrolled before, remember to use the code from the IT Academy website which gives one free MCT membership each year.
Check with the ITA Program Administrator regarding your MCT voucher code

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